Today is one of those days I have been fearing for years… yes years. You see Richard has been caring and supporting Thomas for years…a total of seven years for Richard and 4 years for his partner Karina. In mid-February, I attended a workshop in Denver when I received their resignation email/ letter from them. […]
April 21, 2020
In 2019 I gave my first podcast. The first step in any challenging situation is to breathe. To take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Repeat until you feel calm and centred ready for your next step. Here is the link
April 21, 2020
Thomas graced this world with his presence on 19 September 1997. He was just a gorgeous bundle of love and joy, perfect in every sense. 18 years on, Thomas is still that bundle of love and joy with a smile that sweeps you off your feet and warms your heart and remains perfect in every […]
April 21, 2020